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1.What is FuXion?

FuXion is a renowned multinational company engaged in health and well-being related activities through the production of nutraceutical foods. It is the only company in this line of business that takes ancestral knowledge from different millenary cultures and combines it with the latest biotechnological advancements with a single purpose: improving people’s lives.

2.What is full health?

Full health is a physiological condition that is achieved only when a person is at the top of his or her biological potential. This happens when each and every cell of the body has received the proper amount of nutrients (quality and quantity) to keep itself healthy in all aspects, without the need of external factors that generate an unbalance in the natural equilibrium of the body.

3.Who must take FuXion products?

We are aware that it is currently impossible for an average person to obtain proper nutrition, whether due to a “modern” pace of life, distinguished by a diet with large amounts of junk food and without schedules, or because the food we normally take does not reach the proper nutrient concentrations. Considering this scenario, it is reasonable to assume that everyone should take FuXion products, regardless of their age, as they are nutritional supplements that in addition to supplying the minimum high quality nutrient needs for our body, help us reach full health.

4.Must children take FuXion products?

Yes, children in particular should take the FuXion products, since their bodies are in a development process. Therefore, it is very important that they get the nutrients for growing without complications, delays or abnormalities. FuXion has a system of products especially designed to supply the nutritional needs of the youngest.

5.Why is it important to watch my body weight?

Watching our body weight is important for many reasons. To begin with, to take care of our health, since keeping a healthy weight helps us reduce the risk of illnesses associates to overweight and obesity (diabetes, heart problems, hypertension, etc.). In addition, another key factor is the emotional and psychological well-being we obtain from keeping an adequate figure and weight.

6.What is the body mass index?

The body mass index is a tool that relates people’s weight to their height. It is also used as an indicator of the nutritional condition and it is the most practical method to assess the level of risk related to overweight and obesity.

7.What does the immunological system do for my health?

The immunological system helps keeping out or neutralizing infectious microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, destroying any infectious microorganism or alien agent that may invade our body.

8.Do FuXion products need a physician’s prescription?

FuXion products are “nutraceutical” foods, that is, specific nutrients that show some pharmaceutical action. However, THEY ARE NOT MEDICINE; therefore it is not necessary the advice from a health professional, as nutrients in general do not require a doctor’s prescription for consumption, however, we always recommend to ask your health professional in case you have a known medical condition or are pregnant/breastfeeding.